Donnerstag, 23. Juni 2011

Today's Best Scene Ever: Twin Peaks - It is happening again

2 Kommentare:

  1. Anonym23.6.11

    "How can one szene say so much without a lot of words."
    Yes, of course, with music. :)
    The music becomes so much part of you while you become part of the szene that you don't even "notice" it anymore... Reminds me of how I feel with Dreyer, Marienbad, although everything looks and sounds different... it hits you and enters in a similar way.

  2. Yeah, there's so much in this, and about this. If what Lynch said about this scene is true, the moment when Donna bursts into uncontrollable sobbing is virtually documentary, even the way the camera captures that moment seems different. "Something was going on, it was everywhere in the room, and it was overwhelmingly sad." And it's not that IT is happening again, another murder. It's something else. The music lets it enter. This overwhelming sensation that life is unfathomable. That there's no beauty without sorrow, that everyone and all we love is in constant danger, that there is nothing we can hold on to, that there's too many roads to take and not all of them are good. That it's a strange and mad world, dark and mysterious, and you're always trying to make sense and most of the time you fail. But also that Shelly's smile is not just Shelly's smile and a cherry pie is not just a cherry pie. But a miracle.
